As Joe Biden prepares to make his first-ever trip to the southern border that he deliberately erased, President Trump announced that when he is president again, it will be the official policy of the United States to take down the drug cartels just as we took down ISIS.
“The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it’s now time for America to wage war on the cartels,” President Trump said. “The drug cartels and their allies in the Biden administration have the blood of countless millions on their hands. Millions and millions of families and people are being destroyed. When I am back in the White House, the drug kingpins and vicious traffickers will never sleep soundly again.”
President Donald J. Trump’s Plan to Destroy the Drug Cartels
“The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it’s now time for America to wage war on the cartels.” – Donald J. Trump
President Trump laid out an aggressive plan to dismantle the criminal trafficking networks that are destroying lives and communities on both sides of the border.
- Restore all Trump border policies and fully secure border
- Deploy all necessary military assets, including the U.S. Navy, to impose a full naval embargo on the cartels, to ensure they cannot use our region’s waters to traffic illicit drugs to the U.S.
- Order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other covert and overt actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations
- Designate the major drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations
- Cut off the cartels’ access to the global financial system
- Get full cooperation of neighboring governments to dismantle the cartels, or else fully expose the bribes and corruption that protect these criminal networks
- Ask Congress to ensure drug smugglers and traffickers can receive the Death Penalty
BIDEN’S DEADLY DESTRUCTION OF OUR BORDER: Joe Biden has spent the last two years dismantling the southern border. Biden’s Open Borders policies are killing innocent Americans, ravaging American communities, enriching the cartels, and destabilizing large parts of Mexico and Latin America.
- Since Joe Biden took office, an estimated 200,000+ Americans have died from drug overdoses.
- Hundreds of thousands of pounds of ultra-lethal fentanyl, heroin, meth, cocaine, and other illicit narcotics are pouring across our wide-open border and into American communities. Federal officials estimate that they only seize up to 10% of these drugs.
- Enough fentanyl was seized at the border last year to kill every single American.
- Biden inherited the strongest border in U.S. history, and turned it into the greatest border disaster in the history of the world.
- Biden stopped wall construction, gutted Remain in Mexico, ripped up asylum cooperation agreements, imposed catch-and-release across the entire southern border, slandered and attacked border agents, announced the cancelation of Title 42, and effectively abolished interior enforcement.
- Drug cartels and human smugglers have seen their revenue skyrocket by an estimated 2,500%, netting $13 billion this year. Trafficking illegal alien migrants is now a major source of revenue for the drug cartels.
- Fueled in major part by Biden’s border disaster, the number of Americans killed due to fentanyl increased by 94% since 2019, and fentanyl poisoning has become the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 and 45.
- Reports of torture in Mexico have doubled, and reports of violence by criminal groups against authorities or large crowds rose 756% in the first half of 2022 compared to the previous year.
- In Mexico, over 100,000 civilians are missing or murdered at the hands of the cartels, with an average of 25 Mexican citizens disappearing every day.
- Cartels have destabilized Mexico by bribing officials at all levels of government, assassinating journalists and public servants, and mass murdering political candidates.
- Biden’s actions are pushing vulnerable migrant women and children into the arms of the most vicious, violent, and predatory criminal networks on earth.
- Arrests for human smuggling increased by 82% since 2014, and an estimated 60% of unaccompanied Latin American children who attempt to cross the border are captured by cartels and abused in child pornography or drug trafficking.
BOTTOM LINE: Biden has destroyed the border—President Trump will destroy the cartels.
Fentanyl, heroin, meth, and other lethal drugs are pouring across our wide-open border, stealing hundreds of thousands of beautiful American lives — and it’s happening like never before in our history. Children are being left without parents. Families are being ripped apart. Communities are being decimated. Our neighbors and fellow citizens are having their entire worlds destroyed — destroyed like nobody thought possible. Our country is being POISONED from within by the drugs and by all of the other crime that’s taking place.
The drug cartels are waging war on America—and it’s now time for America to wage war on the cartels. In this war, Joe Biden has sided AGAINST the United States, and WITH the cartels. They are making more money than they’ve ever made before, times ten. There’s never been anything like it. They’re major, major companies — they’re bigger than even some of our biggest companies. Biden’s Open Border policies are a deadly betrayal of our nation.
When I am President, it will be the policy of the United States to take down the cartels just as we took down ISIS and the ISIS caliphate — and just as, unlike the situation we are in today, we had a very very strong border. The strongest border in fact in the history of our country. And drugs were at a low of 45 years. There’s been nothing like what we did just two years ago. We will show NO MERCY to the cartels.
- Every day, drug traffickers are using the waters of our region to ship their lethal poisons to America killing so many of our people and ruining families. In addition to restoring strong border security, I will deploy all necessary military assets, including the U.S. Navy, to impose the full naval embargo on the cartels. I did that before and it worked — what we did was incredible. We will guarantee that the waters of the western hemisphere are not used to traffic illicit drugs to our country.
- Furthermore, I will order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure, and operations.
- I will designate the major cartels as Foreign Terrorist Organizations. We will sever their access to global financial systems.
- I will also work to forge an unprecedented partnership with neighboring governments in our region. Just like I did in Mexico. And remember, in Mexico alone, an estimated 100,000 civilians have been tragically murdered or gone missing at the hands of these cartels. The Mexican government — run by a very fine man, the President — is really working hard, but it’s not working out. These cartels are vicious, and they’re violent, and they have Mexico, for now, stymied. Well, we have to help Mexico and we have to stymied the cartels. Either we will get the full cooperation of other governments to stop this menace—or we will expose every bribe, every kickback, every payoff, and every bit of corruption that is allowing the cartels to preserve their brutal reign. And it is indeed brutal.
- Finally, as I have said before, I will ask Congress to pass legislation ensuring that drug smugglers and human traffickers receive the Death Penalty.
The drug cartels and their allies in the Biden administration have the blood of countless millions on their hands. Millions and millions of families and people are being destroyed. When I am back in the White House, the drug kingpins and vicious traffickers will never sleep soundly again. We did it once, and we did it better than anybody else. There’s never been a better border than we had just two years ago. It was strong, it was powerful, and it was respected all over the world. And now we’re laughed at all over the world. And we’re not going to let that happen much longer. We have to take over, we have to be tough, we have to be smart, we have to be fair. But if we don’t do something immediately, our country is gone.