Skyline Sacco, established on 4th July 1989 and operational since 1st January 1990, was formerly known as Baringo Farmers Savings and Co-operative Society. It expanded its scope in 2004 by introducing front office services to diversify offerings and grow its membership. Fully licensed by the Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA), Skyline Sacco is one of Kenya’s largest deposit-taking Saccos, boasting over 88,000 members and an asset base of Kshs 2.55 billion.
Membership Eligibility
Skyline Sacco’s membership is open to:
- Dairy farmers.
- Coffee farmers.
- Pyrethrum farmers.
- The business community.
- Salaried staff.
- Institutions.
- Micro-credit groups from Baringo, Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Nakuru counties.
Membership Requirements
To join Skyline Sacco, applicants must:
- Be registered with a marketing society within the eligible counties.
- Channel their produce through the marketing society or KCC.
- Provide:
- A copy of KRA PIN certificate.
- One passport-size photo.
- A copy of National ID.
- Pay an entrance fee of Kshs 200.
- Contribute a minimum of Kshs 300 per month as deposits.
- Maintain consecutive contributions for at least 4 months to qualify for a loan.
- First loan eligibility: Twice the amount of deposits.
- Subsequent loans: Three times the deposits, based on merit.
Skyline Sacco Principles
Skyline Sacco adheres to key cooperative principles:
- Voluntary and open membership: Welcomes individuals, groups, and companies.
- Democratic member control: Members actively participate in decision-making.
- Economic participation: Members contribute equitably to the Sacco’s capital.
- Autonomy and independence: Operates as a self-governing entity.
- Education and training: Offers training to empower members and staff.
- Cooperation among cooperatives: Collaborates with other cooperatives for mutual benefit.
- Community concern: Prioritizes the well-being of the general community.
Contact Information
- Head Office: Skyrize Plaza, Opposite Kobil Petrol Station, Eldama Ravine, Baringo County.
- Phone:
- 0717 594 084
- 0705 430 369
- 020 840 9999
Skyline Sacco is an ideal financial partner for individuals and groups in farming, business, and salaried employment. With a strong foundation in cooperative principles, affordable savings, and loan options, the Sacco offers reliable and inclusive financial solutions. Joining Skyline Sacco is a step toward economic growth and empowerment.