IG Sacco, officially registered on 3rd August 1977, is one of Kenya’s top-tier deposit-taking Saccos. Initially started by 115 teachers from primary and secondary schools as well as KNUT, the Sacco has grown significantly, with an asset base of Kshs 12.96 billion. Its membership has diversified to include teachers, civil servants, self-employed individuals, and corporate entities.
Membership Eligibility
- Original Members:
- Teachers in primary and secondary schools.
- Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) members.
- Expanded Membership:
- Teachers.
- Civil servants.
- Self-employed individuals.
- Corporate entities.
Membership Requirements
1. TSC Non-Salaried Members:
- Duly filled membership application form (available on the Sacco’s website or at branches).
- Latest payslip (if available).
- Copy of identity card (ID).
- Appointment or recommendation letter.
- Copy of KRA PIN certificate.
- Photo, ID, and fingerprint specimen to be taken at the Sacco.
2. TSC Salaried Members:
- Duly filled IG joining form.
- Latest payslip.
- Copy of ID photo and fingerprint specimen to be taken at the Sacco.
3. Private Organisation Salaried Members:
- Duly filled IG joining form.
- Latest payslip.
- Copy of identity card (ID).
- Appointment or recommendation letter.
- 3 months bank statement.
- Fix a bank standing order to:
- IG Sacco, KCB Bank Kakamega Branch, Account Number: 1101757663.
- Photo, ID, and fingerprint specimen to be taken at the Sacco.
4. Self-Employed Individuals:
- Duly filled joining form.
- Copy of identity card.
- Copy of KRA PIN certificate.
- Recommendation from an assistant chief or chief.
- 3 months bank statement.
- Fix a bank standing order to:
- IG (Invest & Grow) Sacco, KCB Bank Kakamega Branch, Account Number: 1101757663.
- Photo, ID, and fingerprint specimen to be taken at the Sacco.
IG (Invest & Grow) Sacco Contacts
- Head Office: Khalisia Road 3, 16 Sacco Plaza, Kakamega.
- Contacts:
- Phone: 0726 340 852 / 0736 333 334