Trans National Times Sacco, established in 1977 (CS 2660) and licensed as a deposit-taking Sacco by SASRA in 2011, started with a small membership of about 200. Over the years, the Sacco has grown to serve over 7,000 members across various sectors, enhancing the socio-economic well-being of its members.
Membership Eligibility
Membership is open to the following:
- Employees of Teachers Service Commission (TSC).
- KNUT employees.
- Members of disciplined forces (KDF, regular police, administration police, prison wardens).
- Ministry of Education employees.
- Trans National Times Sacco staff.
- Diaspora civil servants.
- ECD teachers.
- Security guards.
- Private school teachers.
- Business entrepreneurs.
- Other acceptable organisations as admitted by the board.
Membership Requirements
To join Trans National Times Sacco, applicants must:
- Fill a membership application form, available on the Sacco’s website or at the office.
- Provide a recent passport-size photo.
- Submit a clear copy of National ID (both sides).
- Be 18 years and above.
- Not be a member of another Sacco with similar objectives.
- Have no convictions for criminal offences involving fraud or dishonesty.
- Not engage in money lending or activities detrimental to the Sacco’s objectives.
- Be of good character and sound mind.
Products & Services
FOSA Products
- Premium loan.
- Karibu loan.
- Share booster.
- Product advance.
- Tuliza account.
- Fixed deposit account.
- Akiba savings account.
- Junior account.
- Dividend/ interest on deposits advance.
BOSA Products
- Normal loan.
- Emergency loan.
- School fees loan.
- Preferential loan.
- Smart saver loan.
- Asset finance.
- Kilimo loan.
Head Office: Teachers Plaza, Ground Floor, Next to Kitale Police Station, Kitale Town
- 0712 585 874
- 0111 050 510