Nation DT Sacco, established in September 1975, was initially formed to serve employees of the Nation Media Group. Over time, the Sacco expanded its bond to accommodate members from other sectors, providing opportunities for savings and credit at reasonable rates to improve members’ economic well-being.
With an asset base of over Kshs 3.00 billion, it is one of Kenya’s largest deposit-taking Saccos.
Membership Eligibility
Membership is open to:
- Employees of the Nation Media Group.
- Individuals from other sectors following the opening of a common bond.
Membership Requirements
To join Nation DT Sacco, you must:
- Fill in a membership application form.
- Attach a copy of your National ID.
- Pay an entrance fee of Kshs 1,000.
- Fill in a next of kin/beneficiary form.
- Familiarize yourself with the Sacco’s by-laws.
- Make a minimum savings contribution of Kshs 3,000.
- For members transferring from another Sacco, deposits must be transferred to Nation DT Sacco to maintain membership privileges.
Nation DT Sacco Products
Loan Products
- Long-Term Credit Facilities
- Ufanisi loan.
- Development loan.
- Nafuu loan.
- Medium-Term Credit Facilities
- FOSA loan.
- Refinancing loan.
- School fees loan.
- Short-Term Credit Facilities
- Emergency loan.
- Medical insurance loan.
- Utility loan.
- Advance and Instant Credit Facilities
- Instant loan.
- Salary advance.
- Settlement loan.
- Collateral-Based Loan Products
- Supa loan.
- Car loan.
- Bridging Loan
- A short-term funding option for bridging financial gaps between an imminent debt and the availability of the main line of credit.
Savings Products
- Non-Withdrawable Deposits.
- Share Capital.
- School Fees Savings.
- Withdrawable Deposit (FOSA).
- Fixed Deposit Account.
- Junior Account.
- Chama Account.
Nation DT Sacco Contacts
- Location: Cambrian Building, 1st Floor, Moi Avenue, Nairobi.
- Contact: 0719 038 571.