Asili Sacco, established in 1972, operates under the Co-operative Society Act Cap 490 with registration number CS 2077. It provides both BOSA and FOSA services and is licensed by the Sacco Society Regulatory Authority (SASRA).
With over 11,000 members and an asset base of Kshs 3.13 billion, Asili Sacco has opened its membership to individuals and groups from various sectors.
Membership Eligibility
Initially limited to members from the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Sacco has expanded its common bond to include all interested individuals and groups.
Membership Requirements
(a). Individual Members
(i). Salaried Members
- Share capital: Kshs 20,000.
- Minimum monthly contribution: Kshs 3,000.
- Entrance fee: Kshs 1,000 (non-refundable).
- Documents required:
- Copy of National ID/Passport.
- One recent passport-size photograph.
- KRA PIN certificate.
(ii). Business Members
- Share capital: Kshs 20,000.
- Minimum monthly contribution: Kshs 3,000.
- Entrance fee: Kshs 1,000.
- Documents required:
- Copy of National ID/Passport.
- One recent passport-size photograph.
- KRA PIN certificate.
- Completed membership application form.
(b). Group Membership
- Copy of minutes with resolution to open an account.
- Copy of registration certificate.
- Group constitution.
- Copies of relevant KRA certificates.
- Copies of signatories’ identity cards.
- Passport-size photos of the signatories.
- List of group members’ details.
- Four signatories to the account (three group officials and one group member).
- List of signatories authorized to sign on behalf of the account.
- Minimum account opening balance: Kshs 5,000.
Asili Sacco Products
(a). BOSA Products
(i). Long-Term Loans
- Okoa loan.
- Ordinary normal loan.
- Special normal loan.
- Super normal loan.
- Super normal loan 2.
- Maendeleo loan.
- Instant normal loan.
- Jipange asset finance loan.
(ii). Short-Term Loans
- Emergency loan.
- School fees loan.
- Refinancing loan.
- Refinancing loan 2.
- Jipange loan.
(b). FOSA Products
- FOSA pride.
- Pride reloaded.
- Salary advance.
- Salary in advance.
- Biashara loan.
- FOSA chama loan.
- FOSA school fees loan.
- FOSA angalau.
- Uchumi loan.
Asili Sacco Contacts
- Headquarters: Asili Co-op Centre, Ngara Road, Nairobi.
- Contacts: 0722 472 823 / 0733 472 823.