Fariji Sacco, established in 1989, is one of Kenya’s largest deposit-taking Saccos with an asset base of Kshs 0.53 billion. Initially formed as Kagwe Catholic Church Development Fund under the Ministry of Culture & Social Services, the Sacco has undergone several transformations, rebranding to Fariji Sacco in 2010 to attract a national membership base.
Membership Eligibility
The Sacco’s membership is open to all, with members drawn from various groups, including:
- Tea farmers.
- Coffee farmers.
- Horticultural farmers.
- Dairy farmers.
- Business community.
- Investment groups.
- Pensioners and salaried individuals.
Membership Requirements
1. Individual Membership
- Completed membership application form (available on the Sacco’s website or offices).
- Copy of National ID or Passport.
- Passport-sized photograph.
- Registration fee of Kshs 500.
2. Group Membership
- Completed group membership application form (available on the Sacco’s website or offices).
- Copies of IDs or Passports of authorized signatories.
- Passport-sized photographs of authorized signatories.
- Group minutes authorizing account opening with Fariji Sacco.
- Group’s registration certificate.
- Registration fee of Kshs 500.
3. Joint Membership
- Completed membership application form.
- Copies of IDs or Passports for both applicants.
- Passport-sized photographs of both applicants.
- Registration fee of Kshs 500.
4. Corporate Membership
- Completed corporate membership application form.
- Passport-sized photograph for authorized signatories.
- Board of Directors’ minutes authorizing account opening with Fariji Sacco.
- Copy of Articles and Memorandum of Association.
- Registration certificate.
- Registration fee of Kshs 500.
Fariji Sacco Contacts
- Head Office: Diplomat House, Githunguri.
- Contact: 0727 398 699.