Here is a list of Kingdom Bank branches in Kenya and their contact information. Kingdom Bank, formerly Jamii Bora Bank, is a subsidiary of the Co-operative Bank of Kenya and operates over 22 branches across the country.
List of Kingdom Bank Branches in Kenya and Contacts
- Kingdom Bank Head Office
Location: Kingdom Bank Towers, Argwings Kodhek Road, Kilimani, Nairobi
Contact: 0709881870 - Gikomba Branch
Location: Kombo Munyiri Road, Nafuu General Hardware Building, 1st Floor
Contact: 0709881562 - Koinange Branch
Location: Winsor House, Ground Floor, Muindi Mbingu Street, Next to Kingsways Tyres
Contacts: 0709881320, 0709881023 - Kayole Branch
Location: Pinnacle Centre, Spine Road, Kayole
Contacts: 0709881660, 0709881420 - Kawangware Branch
Location: Mbugua Plaza, Naivasha Road, Opposite Precious Blood School Riruta
Contact: 0709881540 - Kirinyaga Road Branch
Location: Bits House, 1st Floor, River Road
Contacts: 0709881840, 0709881360 - Kikuyu Branch
Location: Red Brick House, Opposite PCEA Kikuyu Township
Contact: 0709881510 - Kiambu Branch
Location: Githunguri Nyakinywa Women Group Building
Contacts: 0709881630, 0709881690 - Kitale Branch
Location: Kenyatta Street, Ground Floor, GH Tanna Building
Contact: 0709881117 - Kitengela Branch
Location: Newton House, Opposite Naivas Supermarket
Contact: 0709881960 - Kisii Branch
Location: Along Kisii-Kisumu Road, Mocha Place, Opposite Quickmart Supermarket
Contact: 0709881725 - Kisumu Branch
Location: Jubilee House, Oginga Odinga and Angawa Street Junction, Kisumu
Contact: 0709882050 - Thika Branch
Location: Thika Town, Opposite Quickmart Supermarket
Contacts: 0709881722, 0709881570 - Ongata Rongai Branch
Location: Brisma Towers, Ground Floor, Opposite Tuskys Supermarket
Contact: 0709881600 - Utawala Branch
Location: Mashariki Shopping Mall, Eastern Bypass, Next to APTC College
Contact: 0709881900 - Wangige Branch
Location: Wangige Shopping Centre, Walokana Petrol Station
Contact: 0709882020 - Mombasa Branch
Location: Khamisi Building, Opposite Castle Hotel, Moi Avenue, Ground Floor
Contact: 0709881586 - Mtwapa Branch
Location: Malindi Highway, Mtwapa Bridge, Mzambarauni
Contacts: 0709881720, 0709881548 - Nakuru Branch
Location: Light House, Kenyatta Avenue, Next to Consolidated Bank
Contact: 0709881780 - Nyeri Branch
Location: Nyeri Town, Frontline Building, Gakere Road, Opposite Grand Batian Hotel
Contact: 0709881990 - Eldoret Branch
Location: Kenyatta Street, Corner House Opposite School Depot
Contact: 0709881130 - Meru Branch
Location: Tom Mboya Street, Ground & 1st Floor, Ntima Building
Contact: 0709881554